Friday, February 27, 2009

Daylight Saviings Time is here Again !

Just as sunflowers turn their heads to catch every sunbeam, so too have we discovered a simple way to get more from our sun.
Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring.
Yet, the implementation of Daylight Saving Time has been fraught with controversy since Benjamin Franklin conceived of the idea. Even today, regions and countries routinely change their approaches to Daylight Saving Time. Some Folks have a difficult time getting used to the change. While other folks can't wait for the change so they will have more daylight in the afternoon for enjoying the outdoors.
This year in the United States the clocks jumped foreward at 2 AM on March 8th. No matter how you feel about this time thing is for sure...we may as well make the best of it and enjoy it! Since you have that extra hour, put it to good use and come on out to Dunnavant Square. You will be glad you did !

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where Will You be When the Lights Go Out ?

Have you heard about Earth Hour?

Get Ready To...Turn out and Take action.
Be part of this historic event.March 28, 2009, 8:30 pm local time..
World Wildlife Fund is asking individuals, businesses, governments and organizations around the world to turn off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour – to make a global statement of concern about climate change and to demonstrate commitment to finding solutions.

EARTH HOUR - THE NEW BLACK: Says Clinton Kelly from TLC's What Not To Wear: "Earth Hour represents a new way of thinking that we, as shared users of a common planet, must adopt if we have any intention of ensuring a healthy environment for generations to come. It's about conscious thought. First, think about how much energy you really need. Then you'll realize how much you waste. Then, just stop wasting it. It's as simple as that."

For more information and how you can help make a difference visit the link below. Keep checking my blog. I will give you up dates as the hour approaches.

Wherever you happen to be in the world on March 28th at 8:30 p.m., you're likely to find a city or community somewhere nearby that is making plans to turn out the lights for Earth Hour. With less than six weeks to go, more than 500 cities around the world have officially agreed to go dark in support of global action

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Let's Do Lunch !

Its Great Day Here at Dunnavant Square!
Come out and visit our Community and stop in at one of the finest restaurants in all of Birmingham while you are here. The Standard Bistro uses only the freshest natural foods: local organic produce from Mt Laurel Organic Gardens and Soul Food Organics, as well as free-range and organic meats, fowl, and lamb. Besides being a fine dining restaurant, the Standard Bistro is also a true community gathering place. They have a lunch menu that will have your mouth watering and they have recently added catering services for those special occasions. All of this is only a stroll from Dunnavant Square.... Come on out!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Exciting Times

Spring is just around the corner and for those of you who look carefully.. you can see the signs of spring coming. The deep red buds of the Maple are starting to make a show. Here at Dunnavant Square, we have an abundance of maple, tulip poplar and a few pines for contrast. The streams that flow through the trees are bubbling with the rains we have been having. You must come out to Dunnavant Square and experience the unfolding of spring. Our exquisite townhomes compliment the natural surroundings. While our sidewalks and old world street lights give you a feeling of safety. The Model Home is open from 1 to 5 Saturday and Sunday. 10-5 Monday to Friday.
Follow 280 east Past the entrance to Highland Lakes, take next road, at stoplight, to the left, 3.4 miles on you left. Directly across the street from Mt Laurel,.