Just as sunflowers turn their heads to catch every sunbeam, so too have we discovered a simple way to get more from our sun.
Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring.
Yet, the implementation of Daylight Saving Time has been fraught with controversy since Benjamin Franklin conceived of the idea. Even today, regions and countries routinely change their approaches to Daylight Saving Time. Some Folks have a difficult time getting used to the change. While other folks can't wait for the change so they will have more daylight in the afternoon for enjoying the outdoors.
This year in the United States the clocks jumped foreward at 2 AM on March 8th. No matter how you feel about this time change....one thing is for sure...we may as well make the best of it and enjoy it! Since you have that extra hour, put it to good use and come on out to Dunnavant Square. You will be glad you did !